Celebrities replying to sexist comments

February 28, 2020

Yesterday I watched this video compilation of celebrities replying properly to sexist comments. And I can't get enough of it.

These are the role models we need.

"Feminism is about equality. I really don't know what my tits have to do with it. It's very confusing." ~ Emma Watson

"If a man shares his experience in writing, he is sharing. If a woman shares his experience in writing, she is oversharing or overemotional or she might be crazy." ~ Taylor Swift

"When I'm assertive, I'm a bitch. When a man is assertive, he is The Boss" ~ Nicki Minaj

Tweet by Ariana Grande: "when will people stop being offended by women showing skin / expressing sexuality? men take their shirts off / express their sexuality on stage, in videos, on instagram, anywhere they want to... all. the. time. the double standard is so boring and exhausting. with all due respect, i think it's time you get your head out of your ass. ? woman can love their bodies too!!?"

As a Friday bonus, here is Taylor Swift's latest video: The Man.

(Do not miss the part between 3:30 and 3:50, it is pure gold!)

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Written by Maria Paktiti who splits her time between Greece and Mexico, and tries to understand computers, and humans, for the past couple of decades. She writes about anything and everything. She enjoys talking about herself in the third person. You should follow her on Twitter.