2024: my year in books
January 23, 2025I read 44 books this year and this is what I think about them.
Written by Maria Paktiti who splits her time between Greece and Mexico, and tries to understand computers, and humans, for the past couple of decades. She writes about anything and everything. She enjoys talking about herself in the third person. You should follow her on Twitter.
I read 44 books this year and this is what I think about them.
An awful tradition of the patriarchy that won't let go.
My favorite graduation speeches over the years.
Which famous author had rows of dummy bookcases with fake book spines and who wrote for 14 years exclusively from his bed?
On the right to be different without loosing any of your rights
Julio Cortazar's Season of the Hand vs Charles Addams's The Thing
On the nonlinearity of progress and the rules that apply when you are chasing a dream
A list of things that put a smile on my face
TL;DR How the Coronavirus outbreak could reverse the roles between Europeans and immigrants
TL;DR The Awkward Yeti is funny and insightful and you should all follow their art
TL;DR My favorite thing on the Internet yesterday: celebrities replying to sexist comments
TL;DR I read a book and I liked it
TL;DR My favorite things on the Internet for this week
TL;DR You can dig out Postgres exception codes in your Clojure app using getSQLState.
TL;DR What (and why) we should learn from the speech Joaquin Phoenix gave at the Oscars
TL;DR I read 'Steal Like an Artist' and I'm writing about the bits I found interesting
TL;DR Rather than getting more done faster, you get worse results slower.
TL;DR This is Maria and I'll be writing stuff on this blog